
Serve wordpress blog from subdirectory with django and wsgi

I'm currently on shared hosting plan with dreamhost and have installed Django as per http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Django . However, I also have a wordpress blog that I wish to keep running in a subdirectory, i.e, site.com/blog.

Is it possible to do this. Installing Django results in a passenger_wsgi.py file in the Django root directory which redirects all the requests to django

if i try to go to my blog i get an error since obviously it's not in url.py.开发者_如何学Go Is it possible to somehow serve the wordpress blog as is by configuring wsgi or django, and how can i do this?

Thanks for your time

P.S. I currently have renamed passenger_wsgi.py so that the blog shows

You can disable Phusion Passenger for specific locations in the Passenger app using the following code:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.foo.com
    DocumentRoot /apps/foo/public
    <Directory /apps/foo/public/wordpress>
        PassengerEnabled off
        AllowOverride all      # <-- Makes Wordpress's .htaccess file work.

For more tricks, check out the Phusion Passenger documentation

For those who is on shared hosting you can create file .htaccess under /path/to/your/blog with one line in it:

PassengerEnabled off

That's it.





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