
GUI for Berkeley DB [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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I'm using Berkeley DB Java edition, via the DPL interface.

I want to ask if someone knows about any GUI library that could make it easy to browse the data saved in the database.

I know that BDB documentation says that the metadata about the stored entities is not saved in any place and therefore only the person who have written the data can know what are the types of the classes that would be returned from there. That's why I'm searching for a library (not a complete program) that would be included to the main project and so it would know the types of my classes and would be able to show the data correctly.

p.s. I've found this bdb-browser but it seems like a dead project.


So far I've found a GUI that shows the statistics gathered for the BDB via the JMX. Here is how to use it: http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/je/jconsole/JConsole-plugin.html

Still searching for data browser...

You could try DbVisualizer.

DbVisualizer doesn't directly support the Berkeley DB, but does provide JDBC drivers for many databases,

You can use Execute Query to connect Berkeley DB. Its is a free software. You can get the distribution from http://executequery.org

I did a quick search and didn't find anything.

I don't think you're going to have a lot of luck looking for a data browser, because the format of the value in each database entry is going to be variable. For example, it might be primitive data, data written out by the default Java serialization, or a custom format for an instance of a class which implements Externalizable.

Here is an extremely simple browser. Needs to be compiled though.






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