
Display unsorted data in SL3 line chart

I'm having trouble with my Silverlight Char开发者_如何转开发t. My model is unsorted, that is, the sorting is done on the server side. It needs to support year transitions, but as you can see from the screenshot the charting control automatically sorts the model and fills in the gaps. The line sort be ever increasing and not taking a dip on new year.

How can I make the chart display the data in the order specified in the grid control to the left? Btw, using SL3

alt text http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/7602/unsortedsilverlightchar.png

The line chart is not designed to do the task you seem to be asking. After all the purpose of a line chart is to help the user trace a trend or even visually interpolate an interim value. However if the interval between horizontal points is not linear and always traveling in the same direction such lines meaningless.

I would therefore suggest that the Line chart is not appropriate or that you have some other hidden data which should be used for the Y-axis which would make the lines meaningful.

Alternatives might be to use a Scatter graph or a Column series where the y-axis value has been converted to a string and thus cause the series to use a Category based axis instead of range based one.





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