Rails observe_field using jQuery
Is there an equivalent to the Rails/Prototype observe_field method using jQuery without jRails?
I am doing a search-as-you-type with will_paginate:
<%= observe_field('search', :frequency => 2, :update => 'results', :loading => "Element.show('spin开发者_StackOverflow中文版ner')", :complete => "Element.hide('spinner')", :url => { :controller => 'foo', :action => 'search' }, :with => "'search=' + escape(value)") %>
Using jQuery, you'd need to use a selector, something like this should work
$("#search").bind("blur", function() {
$("#spinner").show(); // show the spinner
var form = $(this).parents("form"); // grab the form wrapping the search bar.
var url = form.attr("action"); // grab the URL from the form's action value.
var formData = form.serialize(); // grab the data in the form
$.get(url, formData, function(html) { // perform an AJAX get, the trailing function is what happens on successful get.
$("#spinner").hide(); // hide the spinner
$("#results").html(html); // replace the "results" div with the result of action taken
Response to comment
If you want to react to keyup, then replace the first line with
$("#search").bind("keyup", // etc...
Try this: