
MySQL Ordering Results by the order of Where Clause Matched

I have a query that tokenizes a phrase on spaces and needs to look for the best match for the phrase. It needs to return that match first. I'm trying to do this in a single query using where clauses. Is this possible? I'm trying something along these lines:

for: my phrase

select name from myTable where name="my phrase" or name like "%my phrase%" or (name like "%my%" and name like "%phrase%") or (name like "%my%" or name like "%phrase%") limit 5;

Basically I want the top five matches in order of where clause matched. I know that by default MySQL evalua开发者_如何学Pythontes the where clauses in an optimized manner. Is there any way to force it to evaluate them in order? And if so, how can I make it return the results in order of where clause matched?

Use Fulltext search instead of this. It's much faster, more flexible and let you score results. Google for more

SELECT ..., MATCH(col_name) AGAINST ('my pharse') AS score FROM tbl_name WHERE MATCH(col_name) AGAINST('my pharse') ORDER BY score DESC;




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