Validates uniqueness of :link
I have a url field named link in my model with the following validation
validates_uniqueness_of :link, :case_sensitive => false
When I put "", it goes well. Now when I put "https://stackover开发者_高级运维" (with the trailing slach), this is also accepted as unique. But I want it to be invalid though there is "/" at the last?
I'd suggest that you normalize your URLs (add/strip trailing slash, etc. see before storing them in the DB and even before validation.
validates_uniqueness_of :link, :case_sensitive => false
before_validation :normalize_urls
def normalize_urls!!(/\/$/,'')
This isn't quite what you were asking for but if you don't store normalized URLs, you'll have to query your DB for all possible variations during validation and that could quickly get expensive.
You could always do a custom validator (by using the validate
method, for example).
It might look something like this:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :link_is_unique
def link_is_unique
#Clean up the current link (removing trailing slashes, etc)
link_to_validate =\/$/,'')
# Get the current count of objects having this link
count = MyModel.count(:conditions => ['link = ?', link_to_validate])
# Add an error to the model if the count is not zero
errors.add_to_base("Link must be unique") unless count == 0
You could then add other logic to clean up the link (i.e. check for http://, www, etc.)
You can customize validations. See this railscast.