
How to organize an app-engine application

I want to create a directory structure like 开发者_如何学Pythonthe following. How can I get the account.py and game.py to handle the requests that go to \account\ and \game\ respectfully. All the app-engine examples I have seen have all the logic in on main.py that handle all urls.

        \ game.py

I tried the following in app.yaml but it didn't work

application: mefirst
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1


- url: /static
  static_dir: static

- url: /account
  script: account.py

- url: .*
  script: main.py

You need the following in your app.yaml:

- url: /account
  script: account/account.py

- url: /game
  script: game/game.py

- url: .*
  script: main.py

BTW, I suggest you try to forget backslashes (characters like this: \ ) -- think normal slashes (characters like this: / ). Backslashes are a Windows anomaly (and mostly unneeded even there -- Python will happily accept normal slashes in lieu of backslashes in filepaths), not used as path separators in URLs nor on Unix-y operating systems (including Linux and MacOSX). I mention this because you speak of "requests that go to \account\ and \game\ respectfully" and there are no such things -- no request goes to a path with backslashes, it will always be forward slashes.

Take a look at MVCEngine, a framework for AppEngine that provides a Ruby on Rails-like structure for building apps. It may or may not be overkill for what you are looking to do, but if you take a look in the main project file, MVCEngine.py, you should be able to see how it goes about providing for a project directory structure somewhat like you want. It's not too difficult.





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