Display html content of range or htmlfrag
Once I create a range how do I display the HTML content of it in Firefox?
only gives me the text content. In essence, like innerHTML returns the markup in IE.
function innerHTML(oTarget, sContent, bAppend){
if (document.getElementById && !document.all) {//is this a non ie browser
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(oTarget, 0);
range.setEnd(oTarget, oTarget.childNodes.length);
if (sContent) {//if there is content, save it if not return the content
var htmlFrag = range.createContextualFragment(sContent);
if (bAppend != true) {//append or replace
oTarget.appendChild(htmlFrag); //add the new html
} else {
sContent = range.toString();
} else {
if (sContent) {
if (bAppend == true) {
oTarget.innerHTML += sContent;
} else {
oTarget.innerHTML = sContent;
sContent = oTarget.innerHTML;
return sContent;
is part of the JavaScript standard and is supported by all modern browsers. Your else
statement (for IE) should work in Firefox as well, as long as oTarget
is an HTML element object.