
Byte swap of a byte array into a long long

I have a program where i simply copy a byte array into a long long array. There are a total of 20 bytes and so I just needed a long long of 3. The reason I copied the bytes into a long long was to make it portable on 64bit systems.

I just need to now byte swap before I populate that array such that the values that go into it go reversed.

there is a byteswap.h which has _int64 bswap_64(_int64) function that i think i can use. I was hoping for some help with the usage of that function given my long long array. would i just simply pass in the name of the long long and read it out into another long long array? I am using c++ not .net or c#

update: clearly there are issues i am still confused about. for example, workng with byte arrays that just happen to be populated with 160 bit hex string which then has to be outputed in decimal form made me think about the case where if i just do a simple assignment to a long (4 byte) array my worries would be over. Then i found out that this code would ahve to run on a 64bit sun box. Then I thought that since the sizes of data from one env to another can change just a simple assignment would not cut it. this made me think about just using a long long to just make the code sort of immune to that size issue. however, then i read about endianess and how 64bit reads MSB vs 32bit which is LSB. So, taking my data and reversing it such that it is stored开发者_开发问答 in my long long as MSB was the only solution that came to mind. ofc, there is the case about the 4 extra bytes which in this case does not matter and i simply will take the decimal output and display any random six digits i choose. However programatically, i guess it would be better to just work with 4 byte longs and not deal with that whole wasted 4 byte issue.

Between this and your previous questions, it sounds like there are several fundamental confusions here:

  1. If your program is going to be run on a 64-bit machine, it sounds like you should compile and unit-test it on a 64-bit machine. Running unit tests on a 32-bit machine can give you confidence the program is correct in that environment, but doesn't necessarily mean the code is correct for a 64-bit environment.

  2. You seem to be confused about how 32- and 64-bit architectures relate to endianness. 32-bit machines are not always little-endian, and 64-bit machines are not always big-endian. They are two separate concepts and can vary independently.

  3. Endianness only matters for single values consisting of multiple bytes; for example, the integer 305,419,896 (0x12345678) requires 4 bytes to represent, or a UTF-16 character (usually) requires 2 bytes to represent. For these, the order of storage matters because the bytes are interpreted as a single unit. It sounds like what you are working with is a sequence of raw bytes (like a checksum or hash). Values like this, where multiple bytes are not interpreted in groups, are not affected by the endianness of the processor. In your case, casting the byte array to a long long * actually creates a potential endianness problem (on a little-endian architecture, your bytes will now be interpreted in the opposite order), not the other way around.

  4. Endianness also doesn't matter unless the little-endian and big-endian versions of your program actually have to communicate with each other. For example, if the little-endian program writes a file containing multi-byte integers without swapping and the big-endian program reads it in, the big-endian program will probably misinterpret the data. It sounds like you think your code that works on a little-endian platform will suddenly break on a big-endian platform even if the two never exchange data. You generally don't need to be worried about the endianness of the architecture if the two versions don't need to talk to each other.

  5. Another point of confusion (perhaps a bit pedantic). A byte does not store a "hex value" versus a "decimal value," it stores an integer. Decimal and hexadecimal are just two different ways of representing (printing) a particular integer value. It's all binary in the computer's memory anyway, hexadecimal is just an easy conversion to and from binary and decimal is convenient to our brains since we have ten fingers.

Assuming what you're trying to do is print the value of each byte of the array as decimal, you could do this:

unsigned char bytes[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(bytes) / sizeof(unsigned char); ++i)
  printf("%u ", (unsigned int)bytes[i]);

Output should be something like:

18 52 86 120

Ithink you should look at: htonl() and family


This family of functions is used to encode/decode integers for transport between machines that have different sizes/endianness of integers.

  1. Write your program in the clearest, simplest way. You shouldn't need to do anything to make it "portable."

  2. Byte-swapping is done to translate data of one endianness to another. bswap_64 is for resolving incompatibility between different 64-bit systems such as Power and X86-64. It isn't for manipulating your data.

  3. If you want to reverse bytes in C++, try searching the STL for "reverse." You will find std::reverse, a function which takes pointers or iterators to the first and one-past-last bytes of your 20-byte sequence and reverses it. It's in the <algorithm> header.





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