
How can scripts extending VIM be managed?

I use VIM for code devel开发者_C百科opment and lot of things. I see that there are lot of scripts, configurations shared at vim.org/scripts, also some at github. Time to time I would like to check which one of the scripts used by me were improved. This would need either manual checking of the scripts, but I am too lazy to do that. Writing some code to do the checking and upgrading is also an option, but I am not sure whether there is any agreement what all script contributors always follow. I would like to have a upgrader for these scripts. Is there any solution, or any practice for maintaining the VIM scripts?

I use pathogen.vim to make updating scripts stored on github trivial. Put pathogen.vim in .vim/autoload and add call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() into your .vimrc file to set up pathogen. Then in .vim/bundle, I git clone [vim plugin], and updating is as simple as a git pull in the appropriate directories.

What about :h GetLatestVimScripts?

If you are using Ubuntu Linux, you can install the vim addon manager:

sudo apt-get install vim-addon-manager

You can use vim-addon-manager (not that one that can be found in debian/ubuntu repositories). It puts plugins each into its own directory like it will be done with pathogen and also supports installation of plugins with one command. It is able to use mainstream git/mercurial/subversion/bazaar repository (if it is known by one of its authors) and install plugins from vim.org.





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