In Clojure 1.3, How to read and write a file
I'd like to know the "recommended" way of reading 开发者_运维技巧and writing a file in clojure 1.3 .
- How to read the whole file
- How to read a file line by line
- How to write a new file
- How to add a line to an existing file
Assuming we're only doing text files here and not some crazy binary stuff.
Number 1: how to read an entire file into memory.
(slurp "/tmp/test.txt")
Not recommended when it is a really big file.
Number 2: how to read a file line by line.
(use '
(with-open [rdr (reader "/tmp/test.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(println line)))
The with-open
macro takes care that the reader is closed at the end of the body. The reader function coerces a string (it can also do a URL, etc) into a BufferedReader
. line-seq
delivers a lazy seq. Demanding the next element of the lazy seq results into a line being read from the reader.
Note that from Clojure 1.7 onwards, you can also use transducers for reading text files.
Number 3: how to write to a new file.
(use '
(with-open [wrtr (writer "/tmp/test.txt")]
(.write wrtr "Line to be written"))
Again, with-open
takes care that the BufferedWriter
is closed at the end of the body. Writer coerces a string into a BufferedWriter
, that you use use via java interop: (.write wrtr "something").
You could also use spit
, the opposite of slurp
(spit "/tmp/test.txt" "Line to be written")
Number 4: append a line to an existing file.
(use '
(with-open [wrtr (writer "/tmp/test.txt" :append true)]
(.write wrtr "Line to be appended"))
Same as above, but now with append option.
Or again with spit
, the opposite of slurp
(spit "/tmp/test.txt" "Line to be written" :append true)
PS: To be more explicit about the fact that you are reading and writing to a File and not something else, you could first create a File object and then coerce it into a BufferedReader
or Writer:
(reader (file "/tmp/test.txt"))
;; or
(writer (file "tmp/test.txt"))
The file function is also in
PS2: Sometimes it's handy to be able to see what the current directory (so ".") is. You can get the absolute path in two ways:
(System/getProperty "user.dir")
(-> ( ".") .getAbsolutePath)
If the file fits into memory you can read and write it with slurp and spit:
(def s (slurp "filename.txt"))
(s now contains the content of a file as a string)
(spit "newfile.txt" s)
This creates newfile.txt if it doesnt exit and writes the file content. If you want to append to the file you can do
(spit "filename.txt" s :append true)
To read or write a file linewise you would use Java's reader and writer. They are wrapped in the namespace
(ns file.test
(:require [ :as io]))
(let [wrtr (io/writer "test.txt")]
(.write wrtr "hello, world!\n")
(.close wrtr))
(let [wrtr (io/writer "test.txt" :append true)]
(.write wrtr "hello again!")
(.close wrtr))
(let [rdr (io/reader "test.txt")]
(println (.readLine rdr))
(println (.readLine rdr)))
; "hello, world!"
; "hello again!"
Note that the difference between slurp/spit and the reader/writer examples is that the file remains open (in the let statements) in the latter and the reading and writing is buffered, thus more efficient when repeatedly reading from / writing to a file.
Here is more information: slurp spit Java's BufferedReader Java's Writer
Regarding question 2, one sometimes wants the stream of lines returned as a first-class object. To get this as a lazy sequence, and still have the file closed automatically on EOF, I used this function:
(use '
(defn read-lines [filename]
(let [rdr (reader filename)]
(defn read-next-line []
(if-let [line (.readLine rdr)]
(cons line (lazy-seq (read-next-line)))
(.close rdr)))
(lazy-seq (read-next-line)))
(defn echo-file []
(doseq [line (read-lines "myfile.txt")]
(println line)))
To read a file line by line you no longer need to resort to interop:
(->> "data.csv"
(drop 1))
This assumes that your data file is kept in the resources directory and that the first line is header information that can be discarded.
This is how to read the whole file.
If the file is in the resource directory, you can do this:
(let [file-content-str (slurp ( "public/myfile.txt")])
remember to require/use
(require '[ :as io])
(io/copy (io/file "/etc/passwd") \*out*\)