
odbc_exec error with progress

I am using Codeigniter Database Active Record (ODBC Driver). The application run well. But starting this day, there are error when trying to fetch data from Progress database (connected via odb开发者_JS百科c). The error message:

Severity: Warning --> odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error: [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Unexpected Network Error. ErrNum = 10054, SQL state 08S01 in SQLExecDirect D:\xampp\htdocs\wavinet2-permana\system\database\drivers\odbc\odbc_driver.php 153

Error is in odbc_exec command. When I try to fetch data without using Codeigniter Active Record, it work. Data fetched. Trying to var_dump($this->db_odbc->conn_id) it return Resource. Network error ? I try to set up LinkedServer on my SQLServer and run the query generated by ActiveRecord, it work, data fetched successfully.

I'm confuse, what is another posibilities that cause the error ?

First make certain that you have started up your database properly. There is a fairly substantial thread that has what sounds like it may be your problem here: http://www.progresstalk.com/showthread.php?116855-102B-ODBC-connection-Problem

Also something else to look at if you are running over SSL:

Change the data source PacketSize setting. The correct setting is 32.


On Windows this will require a registry edit to make this change.

See: http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/8500





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