
MonoDevelop on Ubuntu -- No compiler, no debugger, nothing... why?

I've tried to use MonoDevelop 2.4 and 2.6 with Ubuntu 11.04, but neither of them seems to actually provide any way of running the project. (As开发者_开发百科 the picture shows, the Run, Step, and Debug items are disabled -- both on the toolbar and inside the menus.)

This is true for all project types I've seen so far -- C#, Python, etc...

But mono-debugger is installed. Is there some post-setup task that I need to do manually, for this to work?

MonoDevelop on Ubuntu -- No compiler, no debugger, nothing... why?

Looking over https://github.com/mono/monodevelop/blob/master/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Ide/MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands/ProjectCommands.cs

Perhaps you haven't selected a 'Project'? Open up the Solution pad and click on the Test1 project (not the solution at the root of the tree, but the project just below it).

I'm just guessing here since I don't have Ubuntu and can't actually test anything.

Edit: actually, it looks like clicking on the Solution would work as well.

From looking at the code, another possibility is that you don't have a build target? Not sure how that would happen, but unless you only opened Main.cs and not actually Test1.sln, I don't know what to suggest.

When you opened the project, which file did you open? Test1.sln? Test1.csproj? Or Main.cs?

Try looking for mono-mdb and more packages in synaptic, this may fix this issue. Don't remember exact names, Linux box at home...

Did you really open the project? It looks like you just opened Main.cs. It won't work that way.

Make sure you installed the compilers (mcs etc)





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