
Magento Getting Fatal error with custom module

I am getting following error : Class 'Lucky_Test_Helper_Data' not found in E:\wamp\www\raj\magento_new\app\Mage.php on line 521

I created this module using module creator. I checked it with one of my magento installation, it worked fine. Then I copied the module to the actually installation where I wanted to use it.

I did a some debugging, and found that if I comment certain part of config.xml I get no error.

I figured that out after having a look at stack trace of error, which included following line.

include( 'E:\wamp\www\raj\magento_new\app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\page\menu.phtml' );

here is my config.xml

now if I comment :

    <!--<test module="test">
    <items module="test">
    <title>Manage Test </title>

I get no error. Module seems to be loading fine till this point. Do you see anything wrong? Help me out.

You have to explicitly define that you are using helpers, like this:


In the menu you define with module="test" that your module handles the translation for it





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