
Wiki code parser for .NET and BSD-like licensed

I need a wiki code parser on top of Microsoft .NET and licensed under BSD, Apache or similar open 开发者_开发百科source licenses.

Looking at other site's questions and googling I found the so-called ScrewTurn Wiki, which is a great product and it has its source publicly available, but it's licensed under GPLv2, and I don't want to be restricted to turn my project into "free software", and stay open source.

Currently I'm using Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, so if there's no wiki parser in C# or VB.NET, and there's one in Python and it can be used with DLR and IronPython, it can be a valid solution, but if I can stay away of dynamic languages, it'd be better for me.

Thank you for your time and effort.

WikiPlex is the wiki engine behind CodePlex.

It's under the Microsoft Public License, which I believe allows you to use it without open sourcing your code.





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