
iAds: Displaying own ads when didFailToReceiveAdWithError

Outside the US and a few other countries (UK, France, Deutschland, Italia, España, Japan/日本), ads from the iAd Network 开发者_开发百科aren't showing up much on iOS, yet.

In the meantime, besides using AdMob and the like to fill the blanks, I wonder if it's possible to display our own ads built with the iAd Producer.

So, the mechanism would be that when advertisements are not available, therefore triggering bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError:, it triggers our own ad instead.

If so, any ideas on: (1) if it's effectively possible to run our own iAd-Producer ads; (2) if so, how to implement that mechanism?

You can also create what adMob calls "In-house" ads. You can upload an image to use as the ad, or simply specify some text and a small icon and AdMob will make it look like their standard ads. This way, you can have your house ads filling up the remaining inventory when iAds aren't being displayed (100% house ads), or whatever amount of space you would like.

I've built an open-source library to handle both iAds and fallback AdMob ads in a single container with a single line of code in each view. This allows me to customize everything about my users' ad experience when there are no iAds to display. Just set your google publisher id to your account's and you're good to go.

You can use custom events in AdWhirl to basically make your iAd-Producer ads its own ad network, where you can assign it a percentage and backfill order.

You will have to implement the code to create the ad and replace the bannerView with your new ad.





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