
NSString substring wont compare

My string comparison keeps returning false and I dont understand why. Even my nslog says the value is correct. Do you know why my comparison keeps returning fa开发者_如何学运维lse even though the strings appear to be the same? If I step through the program type shows SV as its value. I have ensured there are no spaces in this string as well. We get the first two chars of this: SV2B799E5B-4306-4965-B5DD-944D3970E6B6

NSString *fPath = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:[directoryContent objectAtIndex:x]];
    NSString *fName = [directoryContent objectAtIndex:x];
    NSString *type =  [fName substringToIndex:2];

    NSLog(@"TYPE: %@",type);

    if ([type caseInsensitiveCompare:@"SV"])
        NSData *file = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fPath];

        if (file)
            [[WebService sharedWebService]saveVolunteer:nil :YES :[directoryContent  objectAtIndex:x] :file];
            [file release];

[NSString -caseInsensitiveCompare:] does not return a BOOL, it returns an NSComparisonResult. This is going to be 0 if the strings are equal (in a case insensitive fashion), which is why you're seeing that result.

Invert your result and you'll be set, or to be more correct, check to see if it is == NSOrderedSame.

The method you are calling returns an NSComparisonResult, not a boolean value. It so happens that an NSComparisonResult of equal has the value zero, which is interpreted as false.

caseInsensitiveCompare: returns a NSComparisonResult. Try [type caseInsensitiveCompare:@"SV"] == NSOrderedSame





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