
iPhone:how to display iAd banner in Dapp exported code navigation based

I wasn't able to display the banner using dapp exported code which looks like it's navigation based I have followed through many samples including iadsuites sample from apple (navigation based) but there's no display of banner anywhere no matter where I put the position of the banner. I underst开发者_如何学Goand navigationcontroller takes up the whole screen which I'm assuming which is why it wasn't able to display the banner. I would like to get sample, tutor , help to be able to display the banner. Thanks =)

I have no xib and everything is done programmatically!

This tutorial may help you:


The key to getting it to work in a UIViewCotroller is this from the article:

What we’re going to need to do with iAd is scroll an ad view onto the screen when an ad is available, and shrink the rest of the content to fill the remaining space. As currently designed, this isn’t that easy because all of the controls are direct children of the root view. But there’s an easy way to fix it – we’ll simply move the controls into a subview instead!

If it's a navigation based app, the rootController would be UIViewController. I believe you'll need to put all your views inside a containing view so you can resize it and animate in the iAD.





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