
Adding a dynamic row into an existing html with php

I would like to add new ROWS and COLUMNS into another existing TABLE within the same page. How could I do that easily?

Here is the code:

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblsubjecschedule ORDER BY Subject");
$b =1;
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) ){
    echo "<tr><td>".$row['Subject']."<input type='hidden' name='subj[$i]' value=".$row['Subject']."></td>
    <td>".$row['Lec']."<br/>".$row['Lab']."<input type='hidden' name='leclab[$i]' value=".$row['Lec']."><input type='hidden' name='lab[$i]' value=".$row['Lab']."></td>
    <td>".$row['Descriptive']."<input type='hidden' name='desc[$i]' value=".$row['Descriptive']."></td>
    <td>".$row['Day']."<br/>".$row['Labday']."<input type='hidden' name='daylabday[$i]' value=".$row['Day']."><input type='hidden' name='labday[$i]' value=".$row['Labday']."></td>

    <td>".$row['LecTime']."<br/>".$row['LabTime']."<input type='hidden' name='lectlabt[$i]' value=".$row['LecTime']."><input type='hidden' name='labtime[$i]' value=".$row['LabTime']."></td>
    <td>".$row['Room']."<br/>".$row['Labroom']."<input type='hidden' name='roomlabroom[$i]' value=".$row['Room']."><input type='hidden' name='labroom[$i]' value=".$row['Labroom']."></td>
    <td><input id='send' name='reserv[$i]' type='submit' value='Add' [$b] /></td></tr>";
 <table border="1" style='width: 900px;'>

    <th>SubjectCode <th>Units <th>Time <th>Day <th>Room</th> 

and this is where I display the data but it displays one row only

    if (isset($_POST['reserv'])){
            $i = current(array_keys($_POST['reserv']));
    if (isset($_POST['reserv'])){
        if (!empty($c)){
            for ($count;$count<=$a;$count++){
                echo "<tr>

dude as it enter the loop

for ($count;$count<=$a;$count++)

value 0f a=1 and count=0

now first it executes when count=0 and den again wen count=1 bt all dis time value of a remains same that is a=1

now wen count=2 count<=1 (false)

dats why onie 2 rows are displayed

for every row u making different forms so wen submitted a form,data is submitted of one form and wen u run the iteration after post twice in the loop dat value comes two times





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