
Where can I find reliable information on C++11, std new features and Tr1?

I am trying to make the most of the new standart. However, I am having dificult in find solid information about C++11 like good explanations on the new keywords and syntax.

Another problem has been to find information about s*ome new features on the std*. With exception of the wikipedia and the C++ Annotations, I cannot find any other information.

The same is true for the TR1.开发者_如何学运维

Thank you for any help.

The latest working draft of C++11 standard (which is N3291 at this time) is available for download here.

Edit: It seems that N3291 is not available for public download, you can download the previous version (N3242) instead.

Start with the Wikipedia page.

If you are using GCC then check their status page as well. On the GCC status page you can also find links to many of the proposals for the features. This does not have the new standard library of course.





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