
display:table export not working correctly

Below is an example of a table that I am successfully creating with the display:tag construct. The problem is the export isn't working correctly. The excel file is saved, but when I open it, all I have is the header row, no data. I am new to this tag, so it's possible I am missing something simple. Any ideas?

<display:table name="${KualiForm.negotiationActivityHistoryLineBeans}" export="true" id="row" class="datatable-100" cellpaddi开发者_JAVA百科ng="2" cellspacing="0">
  <display:column property="lineNumber" title="History Line #"/>
  <display:column property="activityType" title="Activity Days"/>
  <display:column property="location" title="Location"/>
  <display:column property="startDate" title="Start Date"/>
  <display:column property="endDate" title="End Date"/>
  <display:column property="activityDays" title="Activity Days"/>
  <display:column property="efectiveLocationStartDate" title="Effective Location Start Date"/>
  <display:column property="efectiveLocationEndDate" title="Effective Location End Date"/>
  <display:column property="locationDays" title="Location Days"/>

Thanks, Jay

Not sure this is the cause of your problem, but have you installed the export filter, as documented here?

It turns out I had some misconfiguration for the display:table export to work with our framework. So it was a small collection of quick changes. Sorry to bother the forum.





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