
How to auto adjust width of a wpf textbox?

I'd like my textbox to have a width that will fit exactly the size of the text within it.

So if there's just one character within it it'll be a small width. And if there's a long word within it it'll be a long width, etc.

Is this pos开发者_如何学运维sible, and if so-- how can I go about this?

That is the default behavior of a TextBox, however the parent panel for the TextBox can affect a TextBox's size.

For example, a Grid will automatically stretch it's children to fill all available space. A DockPanel will do the same with the Last Child added to it, unless LastChildFill=False.

You can overwrite this behavior in the parent panel by setting the HorizontalAlignment of the TextBox. For example, setting HorizontalAlignment="Center" will center the TextBox inside a Grid rather than stretching it to fill all remaining space

It depends on the container the TextBox is in, but typically if you set HorizontalAlignment="Left" you will get this behavior.

However, if it's (for example) the last element in the DockPanel with the LastChildFill property set to true, then the DockPanel will stretch it out for you.





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