
RecurrenceInterval on Windows Phone 7 - Enumeration Hourly?

So, I'm planning on creating a reminder app for WP7 using the Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler class, and I want to set up the Recurrence Interval of the reminder notificati开发者_如何转开发on. The problem is: The available interval is only Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. I was wondering if there's anyway to set up a Hourly Recurrence Interval.

The user will set up a initial time end and end time, and I wanted to have hourly notifications on this period of time. Is that possible. I was thinking of something like this:

while (beginTime < endTime)
beginTime += 01:00:00;

But that's not right...

I was wondering if there's anyway to set up a Hourly Recurrence Interval.

There isn't.

You could Schedule 24 daily alarms in order to have a hourly reminder, or e.g. 4 daily alarms if you want to be reminded every 8 hours. The drawback in this workaround is that you can schedule max 50 alarms per application, and it is not enough in most of the cases.





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