
MVC3 EditorFor and generic types throws error

I have a Generic type SelectableViewModel

public class SelectableViewModel<T> where T : class
    public SelectableViewModel(T model)
        Model = model;

    public T Model { get; set; }
    public bool Selected { get; set; }

It wraps a ViewModel so that the user can select or deselect the model from the view.

Controller method

public ActionResult ListReconsiledAssignments()
    return View(
            .Select(a => new SelectableViewModel<Assignment>(a))

The view

@model IEnumerable<SelectableViewModel<Assignment>>

    ViewBag.Title = "Request snapshot";

<h2>Request snapshot</h2>
    @Html.EditorFor(m => 开发者_JAVA百科m, "SelectableAssignment")

The editor for template named SelectableAssignment.cshtml

@model SelectableViewModel<Assignment>

    <td>@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Selected)</td>

This throws exception

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectListIterator2[Domain.Assignment,Web.Models.SelectableViewModel1[Domain.Assignment]]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Web.Models.SelectableViewModel`1[Domain.Assignment]'.

That is because the editor template requires single SelectableViewModel<Assignment>, but you pass IEnumerable<SelectableViewModel<Assignment>> and explicitely instruct it to use "SelectableAssignment" template, so exception is thrown. You could iterate over your model and call editor template one by one like this:

@foreach(var item in Model)
   @Html.EditorFor(m => item, "SelectableAssignment")

Or, simply, remove that template name from EditorFor method call from your code. Framework should figure out that it should call EditorFor for every item in passed collection

@Html.EditorFor(m => m)

Or, the same, call





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