
Why does this compile and is there any compiler switch that can make the compiler report it as an error or warning?

I found this example when I ran PCLint on the source code of the project I am working on. Here is the code snippet:

QString foo()
    retu开发者_JS百科rn false;

I compiled the code and verified that it returns an empty string. The real example is a large method in a large class, and somewhere in some remote if branch, there was this isolated

return false;

Ok, it is bad coding, shame on the developer (by using SVN / blame I could even find out who did this :-)) but, seriously, why doesn't the compiler complain?

My theory is that the compiler translates

return false;


return QString(((const char *) false));

However, I do not see all the elementary steps performed by the compiler to infer this. It first tries all the constructors of QString, and finds

QString(const * char);

but then? How does it determine that it can go from bool to const char *. Or does it automatically cast a bool to any pointer type any time you use a bool where a pointer is expected?

The second part of the question. Since all these implicit type conversions are quite dangerous (why would a developer write 'return false;' if they meant "return an empty string"?), is there a way (e.g. a compiler switch) so that such situations are at least reported as a warning? I tried -Wall in g++ and it didn't print any warning.


Thanks for the hints. false seems to have a special treatment. If I do

return true;

I get:

error: conversion from ‘bool’ to non-scalar type ‘QString’ requested

I am using g++ 4.4.3 on Ubuntu. As pointed out in different comments, other compilers report the problem.

false equates to zero. Zero is a special case that represents the NULL pointer, and will be cast to any pointer type without warning.

I'm quite surprised that the compiler allowed this as a one-step conversion, and didn't consider it a two-step conversion from boolean to int, then int to char* - two-step conversions aren't done implicitly.





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