
OpenGL ES based graphing library for iPhone

I'm trying to graph large amounts of data, say around a million data points in a line graph. I've tried CorePlot, but it is somewhat lacking in speed. It couldn't even graph 30,000 points with any sort of usable rendering speed (less than 1 fps). s7graphview is somewhat similar to CorePlot but with less features. I put together a simple OpenGL ES project and graphed 1,000,000 points and it rendered at around 10 fps, which is a very usable speed for manipulating a graph. My question is thi开发者_如何学编程s, are there any purely OpenGL ES based graphing libraries for the iPhone? If not, are there any open source OpenGL based ones I could potentially port to the iPhone? I'd rather not resort to writing my own graphing library unless absolutely necessary.


Ok, since there aren't any takers, would anyone be willing to work together with me to make an Open Source OpenGL ES graphing library?


I've finished my OpenGL graphing library. It can graph 1,400,000 points at 10 fps with multiple lines and multiple scales attached to those lines, with dynamic resizing and it is a self contained control that can be dropped onto any window/view. Much better than CorePlot's 10,000 points at 10 fps.





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