
PHP setcookie() with pre-server side processing?

I have a simple pagelog code. Basicly, it checks to see if there is a VisitorID cookie, if not it queries my database, gets the next available number then I want to set that as the VisitorID cookie. The problem is when I try to run it, I get that "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ... bla.. bla.. bla". In PHP how can I set a cookie if I dont know what I want to set it to yet?

Here is my code that I include on the page before anything is written to the browser:


$TheTable = "PageVisits";

if (strripos($Browser,"mozilla") < 0||
strripos($Browser,"search") > 0 ||
strripos($Browser,"bot")  > 0  ||
strripos($Browser,"scoutjet")  > 0  ||
strripos($Browser,"ask jeeves/teoma") > 0  ||
strripos($Browser,"slurp")  > 0 )
$TheTable = "BotVisits";

$AcceptedTypes = $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"];
$Referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];

$VisitorID = $_COOKIE["VisitorID"];
//Get VisitorID
if (strlen($VisitorID) == 0)
    $SqlStr = "SELECT IF(IsNull(MAX(VisitorID)), 1, MAX(VisitorID) + 1) AS NewVistorID " .
    "FROM " . $TheTable . " ";

    $con = mysql_connect("DBServer","DBUserName","DBPassword");

    mysql_select_db("ratpackc_ratpack", $con);

    $result = mysql_query($SqlS开发者_如何转开发tr);
    $VisitorID = mysql_result($result, 0);

//Update page log
$SqlStr = "INSERT INTO " . $TheTable . " " .
"(VisitorID, IPAddress, ThePage, Referer, Browser, AcceptedTypes) " .
"VALUES (" . $VisitorID . ",'" . $IPAddress . "','" . $ThisPage . "','" . $Referer . "','" . $Browser . "','" . $AcceptedTypes . "')" ;

$con = mysql_connect("DBServer","DBUserName","DBPassword");

mysql_select_db("ratpackc_ratpack", $con);

$CookieExpire = time()+31536000;
setcookie("VisitorID", $VisitorID, $CookieExpire);                    .


The above code should work unless there is output being sent by an error, or previous script. Also, it's good practise to exclude the closing php tag ?> from the end of your file to eliminate the possibility of whitespace after the tag. This will not effect your PHP script.

good luck

Obviously there is some output before you call the setcookie() function. There are some possibilities that come to my mind:

  1. The calling php file may have an UTF8 BOM header. These are 2 bytes at the begin of the file, declaring that the file is UTF8. Often these bytes are not shown in a PHP editor.
  2. Make sure the very first character of the calling php file is the begin of a php block <?, there should not even be a blank.
  3. Your code gives out an error message somewhere. You can check that, with commenting out the setcookie() function, you should be able to see this error message then.

I would look for the problem in the calling php file, not in the code you have shown.

You can turn on output buffering. That will prevent the message and allow your code to run.

Use ob_start() to begin buffering and ob_flush() to send the buffer to output.

My concern here is that your code shouldn't be triggering this error - you're not outputting anything to the page when you check and set this cookie, are you? I wasn't under the impression that setting cookies would trigger an error like this.





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