
XCode4, Mac OS X, xxx-Info.plist does not exist

Compiling my project fails because xxx-Info.plist cannot be found. Indeed, that file does not exist on my computer. The project has other targets, and they have their version of the file, and it's found, and they build. I've tried to scour the targets for differences, but I don't see any.

Shouldn't Xcode be generating this file? How can I induce it to do so? Also: InfoPlist.strings does not exist, and xxx-Prefix.pch does not exist. By "does not exist"开发者_如何学Go I mean "does not exist". I don't mean "The file is there, but Xcode can't find it." This is not an iOS project. Thanks.

These are specified in each target's build settings. Select the project in the Project Navigator, then select the target, choose the Build Settings tab, and make sure the correct PLIST and PCH files are specified. You can use the settings' search field to find the settings.





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