
Save tablesorter choice in cookie

I'm using the jQuery Tablesorter plugin to sort my tables and would like to save the choice inside a cookie using the jquery cookie plugin.

Has anyone done anything like this? Or would know how to do this?

I do the sorting using the click() event as my table is split up into parts e.g:

function setupTablesorter() {
    var currentSort;
    var cookieSortList = $.evalJSON($.cookie("table_sort_list"));
    if (cookieSortList == null)
        cookieSortList = [[1, 0]]

    $('table').each(function (i, e) {
        var myHeaders = {}
        $(this).find('th.nosort').each(function (i, e) {
            myHeaders[$(this).index()] = { sorter: false };
        $(this).tablesorter({ sortList: cookieSortList, widgets: ['zebra'], headers: myHeaders }).bind("sortEnd", function (sorter) {
            currentSort = sorter.target.config.sortList;

    $(".uiGridHeader th").click(function () {
        $.cookie("table_sort_list", $.toJSON(currentSort));


function setupFixedHeader() {

    var copyThead = $(".uiGridContent thead").html();
    var copyCol = $(".uiGridContent colgroup").html();
    copyThead = '<table>' + copyCol + '<thead>' + copyThead + '</thead></table>';
    $(".uiGridContent table").tablesorter();
    $(".uiGridContent table thead").hide();
    function bindClick() {
        $(".uiGridHeader th").click(theadClick);
    var direction = 0;
    function theadClick() {
        if (direction) {
            direction = 0;
        } else {
            direction = 1;
        var index = $(this).index();
        var sorting = [[index, direction]];

        $(".uiGridContent table").trigger("sorton", [sorting]);

        var FindcopyThead = $(".uiGridContent thead").html();
        var FindcopyCol = $(".uiGridContent colgroup").html();
        var NewcopyThead = '<table>' + FindcopyCol + '<thead>' + FindcopyThead + '</thead></table>';

So somewhere in the function I need to record the choice in a cookie.

in your function you can add $.cookie("table_sort_list", sorting); just after your var sorting

and in you function where you init your table you could do something like

var cookieSortList= $.cookie("table_sort_list");
if(cookieSortList== null)
    cookieSortList = []

    sortList: cookieSortList

Another, maybe beter way is getting the new sort order as described on jQuery tablesorter how to find sortList object

If you're wanting to save the sort so that you can re-sort the table on future visits, there's now a saveSort option built into Tablesorter that uses local storage (and cookies as a fallback). See this answer for more info.





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