
Deploying Jersey resources into a Servlet 3.0 API aware container fails miserably

(I've accidentally deleted the gist that I'm referring to in this question; sorry for the inconvenience.)

The Question

I'm trying to use the Servlet 3.0 API to deploy Jersey root resources (those annotated with the @Path annotation) following the Jersey's user guide.

I've created a gist at GitHub containing two classes: Foo.java which is a subclass of Application that exposes Bar.java (the resource class) through its getClasses() method. (There is a pom.xml too, so anyone can try this out for herself/himself easily.)

However, when I try开发者_JS百科 to deploy the packaged war to a Jetty 8.0.x instance I get the output available here at pastebin.

Foo.java gets called, its getClasses() method gets called too while Bar.java is never invoked.

I can reach Jetty's welcome page at http://localhost:8080/, however I neither can reach http://localhost:8080/foo or http://localhost:8080/foo/bar. The latter two results in the following error:

Not Found ERROR

custom 404 page

What could be the problem? Am I doing something wrong here?

The Answer

Given the WAR I've used (test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war) my application path became http://localhost:8080/test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/foo/bar instead of http://localhost:8080/foo/bar. See what I did there? Good. Engrave this in your mind people or lose 3-to-5 precious hours of your life!

OK. I've solved the problem.

My application's path isn't at http://localhost:8080/foo/bar but at http://localhost:8080/<the name of my war file>foo/bar. So given the pom.xml I've posted it becomes http://localhost:8080/test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/foo/bar.

I hate WAR files.

You've got one call with @Path, while the other have @ApplicationPath with NO @Path on the method.

As you can here,

JAX-RS API (from version 1.1.4) introduced a specific annotation ( @javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath ), that provides an alternative to web.xml configuration:

But you'll need at least a @Path on the called method. However, the simplest thing is probably to start with a classic old web.xml, then using @Path on Resources. You'll get plenty of exemples in the web, while @ApplicationPath is not common.

While this wasn't your problem, if you're trying to deploy in Jetty 8 in Cargo, you would likely have hit this bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CARGO-1133





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