
Android: Short way to call widgets? Is eclipse the best?

I decided to learn a little bit android progrramming and by using Eclipse + android plug-in I made an android "hello world" application. After that I tryed something simple and used 3 TextViews:

ID:TextView1 String-Value:A=5
ID:TextView2 String-Value:B=10
ID:TextView3 String-Value:A+B=C=

I created them in main.xml menu by drag and drop so, to show them I'm using the flowing line:


The Question is: I want to get string values of A and B and append the result of 5+10 to the string value of C actualy I did it but it take too much codes just for get str value of a TextView and editing it. Is there any short way like in .Net?

string Str = This.Label1.Text();

And is eclipse is the best IDE or am I should use something else? When I have several textviews etc, Why am I should write unnecessary lines if there is a short way to do it.

Another Question is I get str-value of B which is 10 but when I tryed the same thing for A it says there is nothing inside VarAStr *My Codes are:*


TextView VarAStr = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.VarA);
TextView VarBStr = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.VarB);
TextView VarC = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.VarC);

    int VarA=Integer.parseInt(VarAStr.getText().toString().substring(2));
    int VarB=Integer.parseInt(VarBStr.getText().toString().substring(2));
    VarC.append(String.format("%d", (VarA+VarB)));
catch(Exception e){
    Toast.makeText(this, e.toString() + "   -" + VarAStr.getText().toString() + "-", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();//Show(); 

For the last question I found a bad code line in main.xml :) wich has no android:text="@string/VarA" I added t开发者_如何学Pythonhis and problem solved.

Thank you for any respond.

You can always put the repeated code on a function that returns a string.

Something like:

public String getTextOfView(int id) {
    TextView tmp = (TextView)findViewById(id);
    return tmp.getText.toString();




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