
iOS App crash just before termination?

There are some times when my app would presumably crash when I hit the "Stop" button on xcode when debugging.

I assume it's crashing because I get a bunch of stuff in the Xc开发者_StackOverflow社区ode debug navigator under several threads but the debug session terminates soon after and there isn't enough time to look over what's going on. It's stops in a line within the "main" method of main.m for a very, very brief moment.

The debug console dosen't give me a stack trace.

How can I debug this? I'm using the new Xcode 4.2.

When your App "crashes" OS writes it to a crashreport. Look at ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ folder and Look for most recent crash report of your app there. If that doesn't help you place a breakpoint in your appWillTerminate and then in your debug console look at stack trace what gets called. You said you get bunch of stuff in XCode debug navigator under several threads ? Can you paste that messages from debug console here.

If there is nothing in the console log the app didn't crash.





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