
PHP and MySQL high traffic solution

Consider the creation of high traffic PHP web-site with many parallel users. Which is the best possible MySQL abstraction (ORM or OODBMS) in terms of effectiveness (15-20 database tables with sum of about 100000 items and JOIN queries between no more than 4 tables)?

Somewhere I heard that Doctrine libraries are appropriate or 开发者_StackOverflow中文版I should use framework like Zend? Which of these database solutions are build over PDO and don't require much learning (at this time I'm using pure PHP)?

Regardless of the DB solution you should look at using a system like MemCached. With the proper caching strategy you will significantly reduce the load your databases are putting on your server.

There is a PHP API for memcached here

ORM or any data modeling layer will never get you better performance. Their sole purposes is to make your development time faster and easier to maintain. They are notoriously bad at decision making when it comes to actually using relationships appropriately and end up querying all tables in order to find the correct data. At that level of complex queries you are not going to be able to abstract away these relationships without sacrificing performance.

MySQL is fine for up to a couple million records at least (I've used it for over 100 million in a single table). For performance sake you generally want to have at least a master/slave setup and some method of distributing reads between them. The database will almost always be the limiting factor in performance. You can always add in more web servers and get a load balance in front of them to solve the other side of things but the database setup is always a little harder to maintain.

You have to think about why you want to use an ORM. If its for development reasons, that's fine, but be coginiscent that your performance will suffer. Otherwise stick to queries. An ORM adds a third layer of code to deal with and learn. If you know PHP and MySQL, do you need to learn a 3rd language to use them effectively? Most often the answer is no.

You have many options to choose from but be aware that at some point the framework/ORM you choose will not behave the way you want it to and to get it to behave to your desires you will have to do a lot of searching and digging through code. It's the classic problem - save time up front and pay for it later or spend time up front with no possible payoff later.

ORM solutions will be able to optimize some aspects, if you cache query data and use the object API in a planned and deliberate way.

Column / document[nosql : hbase,mongo] databases will improve performance if you have lots (millions+) of records, and are still growing.

Memcached will help if you have a lot of spare memory and especially if there are a lot of repetitious queries being run.





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