
jQuery autocomplete mysql zend no response from action/controller?

Were using jquery autocomplete in zend and setup our action like this

public function ajaxautocompleteAction()
    $postData = $this->_request->getParams();
    $term = $postData['term'];
    $categoryObj = new Categories();
    $result = $categoryObj->searchCategory($term);
    $this->view->result = $result;

The javascript in the view file is this

    $(function() {
        var url = "http://www.domain.com/account/ajaxautocomplete?format=json";
开发者_如何学C        $( "#autotest" ).autocomplete({
            minLength: 2,
            source: function(request, response){
                var iterm = request.term;
                var url = "http://www.domain.com/account/ajaxautocomplete?format=json";
                $.post( url, {term: iterm},
                function( data ) {
            response(data); });

In chrome console i get this error

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.domain.com/account/ajaxautocomplete?format=json. Origin http://domain.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

Any ideas why were not getting results from the ajax request?

This is how I've used jQueryUI's autocomplete and ZF before...

  1. Create your action

    public function ajaxautocompleteAction()
        $term = $this->getRequest()->getParam('term');
        $categoryObj = new Categories();
        $result = $categoryObj->searchCategory($term);
        $this->view->result = $result;
  2. Add an AjaxContext to your action, disabling automatic JSON serialisation. I'm skipping the auto serialisation as it's not common for your models to represent the usual "label" / "value" pairs jQueryUI's automcomplete looks for

    public function init()
        $this->_helper->ajaxContext->addActionContext('ajaxautocomplete', 'json')
  3. Create your JSON view (views/scripts/account/ajaxautocomplete.json.phtml)

    $data = array();
    foreach ($this->results as $category) {
        // format each result for jQueryUI autocomplete
        $data[] = array(
            'label' => $category->getName(),
            'value' => $category->getName()
    echo Zend_Json::encode($data);
  4. Add the URL for your autocomplete action as a JavaScript variable to the view that needs to use it (assuming you use the HeadScript helper in your layout)

    $this->headScript()->prependScript(sprintf('var searchUrl = "%s";',
            'action'     => 'ajaxautocomplete',
            'controller' => 'account'
        ), null, true)));
  5. Setup your JavaScript like this

        source: searchUrl,
        minLength: 2

looks like domain.com does not allow cross-domain calls.

Try chrome.exe --disable-web-security





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