
How to get text from TextInput in a special container [Nokia Qt Qml]

I'm trying to program a sudoku game on Symbian using Qt Creator.

My sudoku game is made with a Grid (QML element) of 9 x 9 rectangles in which there are some TextInput elements limited to one character (the number).

If its needed, I can paste the code here.

I don't know how I can get all values from the sudoku grid into 开发者_Go百科a single container, so that I can send it to C++ code in order to process the values, and to determine if the player has won or not.

Just read the values of each TextInput element.

I hope you created an array of TextInput so you could use loop to obtain them. If not then read this: How to make an Array of Widgets

You can also check How to access your child widgets at runtime.





验证码 换一张
取 消

