Error when calling a function from main in flex
Hi guys i am trying to call a function which is defined in main.mxml
public function btnAcceptCall_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent)
now i have a component mxml which calls this function
in this mxml i have defined a function
private function addNewCaller(event:MouseEvent):void
The problem is it gives an error
Call to a possibly undefined method btnCallAndProfile_clickHandler through a reference with static type Class.
anyone can point out what is the problem.??
You're coding it wrong. First off, Main.btnCallAndProfile_clickHandler
is not static as mentioned in the error, nor would you want it to be static. You'll want to get an instance of Main
for it to work, but for you to do that would mean that you would break good practice.
Flex is an event based language, and hence to separate concerns, you can use events to do the work for you. In this case, in Main
, you would add an event listener (like say in the creationComplete event handler):
private function onCreationComplete():void
addEventListener('callAndProfile', btnCallAndProfile_clickHandler);
And then from your addNewCaller
function, you would do:
private function addNewCaller(event:MouseEvent):void
dispatchEvent(new Event('callAndProfile', true));
J_A_X answer is pretty good, but there's another way that can still be considered clean code.
Define an interface:
interface AcceptCallHandler
function acceptCall(e:MouseEvent):void;
Then you can implement this interface in your main.mxml and inject an AcceptCallHandler-instance into your component:
<s:Application implements="com.package.handlers.AcceptCallHandler" ...>
public function acceptCall(e:MouseEvent):void
<component:SomeComponent acceptCallHandlerImpl="{this}"/>
All you need to do in SomeComponent is:
class SomeComponent
private var _acceptCallHandler:AcceptCallHandler;
public function set acceptCallHandlerImpl(value:AcceptCallHandler):void
_acceptCallHandler = value;
private function addNewCaller(event:MouseEvent):void
Using the events mechanism (and the Observer-design pattern) is not the only tool to promote loose coupling. In the above sample I'm demonstrating another 2 powerful techniques - programming to interfaces and dependency injection.
If main.mxml is you default application. You can do this: