
How race conditions will caused by context switching [closed]

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I want to know how race condition will happen during context switching, and where and how this happens.

I know about race condition can occur when accessing shared resource, I just need to understand it better. Can someone help me grasp this?

Here's a classic example:

int global_int = 0;

void update () {
   ++ global_int;
   /* generated assembly is something like
       register = global_int
       increment register
       global_int = register

Say the first thread starts running, calls update(), but gets interrupted (by a signal, context switch, whatever) in-between the second and third instructions. At this stage global_int==0 and register==1: it hasn't saved the result yet.

Now suppose a second thread runs update() and completes, so global_int==1. The first thread resumes and saves register (which is 1) to global_int, yielding no change.

In this situation, global_int==1 after two calls to update() have completed. Anything which assumes that update() updates global_int will now be broken.

In general it is very hard to detect this problem by looking at code, you have to analyse the data and say to yourself "global_int is being accessed by different threads, I'd better guard it with a mutex". If you try to get clever and worry about how the threads will access it so as to avoid the expense of a lock, you will probably get it wrong except in trivial cases.

Race conditions are a consequence of concurrent execution code which accesses a shared resource without proper mechanisms to ensure the consistency of that shared resource.

A race condition could occur during context switching if there is a bug in the implementation of the thread scheduler that causes the code used to perform the context switch to access a shared resource without providing proper consistency guarantees. There is nothing about the code that implements context-switching that makes it unable to contain race conditions.

Suppose you were on a single-processor machine with a scheduler that is basically performing time-slicing of the available processor's resources (i.e., we're on a really simple system). Then suppose you have a critical section of code, but you did not guard that critical section with a mutex or other synchronization primitive.

Assume thread A is inside the critical section. When the time-slice for thread A is up, the scheduler schedules another thread B and stops thread A. Thread B then enters the critical section (since there was no guard), and modifies the values in shared memory in the critical section. When thread B's time-slice is up, the OS schedules thread A again which continues from the point it left off inside the critical section. The only problem now though is that the values thread A is working with are not what they were when it was stopped for the context-switch ... they're completely different since they were modified by thread B. Thus you have a race-condition.





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