
iOS: How to use images in custom bundle in Interface Builder?

I have a bundle where i put images in it.

The contents are:


I dragged MyBundle.bundle into my project.

Now I can see these images in Interface Builder and can even use them. However, when I run 开发者_如何学Cthe app, I don't see the images.

What's wrong?


Make sure the bundle is getting copied over in the "Build Phases" of the project settings for the target.

Also, try setting them progrmatically and see if they show:

myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png"];

I just tried this in my project and found that what you need to do is specify the image with the bundle name in front like this:

iOS: How to use images in custom bundle in Interface Builder?

In the IB the image will look broken:

iOS: How to use images in custom bundle in Interface Builder?

but when you build and run your project the image will show correctly.

So, in your case, use MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png in the actual Interface Builder Image box.

Also, when you dont put the bundle name in front, you get this warning when you load the view with the bundle image:

2011-10-12 08:22:16.360 UTDebug[721:11c03] Could not load the "map.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.companyname.myproject"

You need to put the XIB in the bundle, too. When you do that, resources for the interface will be relative to the bundle, so they'll work both in IB and when you load the interface in your app.

You might have a stray build setting from having created the bundle as a Mac OS X target.

See my other answer for the solution.





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