
android: how can get full path of a file stored in a folder in sdcard?

I am working in and开发者_高级运维roid. i want to get the full path of a file selected by user. my files

are stored in sdcard. but may be in a folder in sd card.

I have some folders in my sdcard. I want to get the full path of a file on which i click.

Suppose I have an image peacock.png in folder image/birds.

So the path is mnt/sdcard/image/birds/peacock.png

Please suggest me how can i get the full path of a file.

If you need my code which i am using for help then tell me i will send it here.

Thank you in advance.

Here's a code snippet from this tutorial, that shows the pick file Intent implementation:

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent)
   if (requestCode == PICK_REQUEST_CODE)
   if (resultCode == RESULT_OK)
      Uri uri = intent.getData();
      String type = intent.getType();
      LogHelper.i(TAG,"Pick completed: "+ uri + " "+type);
      if (uri != null)
         String path = uri.toString();
         if (path.toLowerCase().startsWith("file://"))
            // Selected file/directory path is below
            path = (new File(URI.create(path))).getAbsolutePath();

   else LogHelper.i(TAG,"Back from pick with cancel status");

As you can see, your onActivityResult() method returns you the Intent, which contains the file path, that can be extracted using intent.getData() method. Then you just create a File object using this path, and get the absolute path of it using file.getAbsolutePath() method. Hope this helps.

If you mean in the onFileClick, it is passed an Option. Your Option class seems to contain the full path, as it is passed into the constructor, for example:

new Option(ff.getName(),"Folder",ff.getAbsolutePath())

Can't you get at that property somehow?





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