
Magento: Unable to override Sales Rule

I am unable to override Sales Rule Model. I want to override class Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule.

Here is my code:-

<?xml version="1.0"?>

But this doesn’t work.

Any help please?

Thank you all for helping in debugging my problem.

The problem is solved now.

I had written the override code in another local module XML file as well. However, I had commented that code and my cache is disabled. But, I don't know how it was causing problem. So, when I removed that commented code (from another module) then my problem was solved and I was able to override salesrule model.

I would like to write some tips for others if they face such problem. These tips are based on the comments in this question.

  • Recheck if your XML snippet is in the right location.

  • Check if the module is being instantiated (System -> Configuration -> Advanced).

  • Check for other modules that may also be overriding the same model. Especially those in 'local' since they take precedence.

  • Check what class is returned when you call your desired class:

    echo get_class(Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule'));

Thank you all for your comments.





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