Coldfusion - Clearing & Appending Arrays
I asked a question here开发者_如何转开发 yesterday (cfquery grouping, counts & maxrows) to which this is related. That question would successfully answered in as much as the count aspect is working successfully. However, I'm getting strange results with another aspect that I can quite figure out.
The scenario is this - I'm returning top-level categories and subcategories in a single query, the subcategories being returned by nesting cfoutput. The result works, with one exception - the subcategories are always returning the full list - i.e if I limit the initial output to return only 2 rows on screen, I'm always getting the first 2 rows from the first top-level category - now the first 2 rows from the 'current' top level category.
I've tried clearing the array within the cfoutput query, within the cfloop etc - all without success.
I've pasted my code below, and attached a screenshot of the current out it generates. Any pointers on this before I lose all my hair would be gratefully accepted!
<cfquery name="getcategories">
SELECT p.ID AS CategoryID, p.Cat_Name as CategoryName, p.Cat_Shortname, c.ID AS SubCategoryID, c.Cat_Name as SubCategoryName, c.Cat_Shortname AS SubCatShortname
FROM product_categories p LEFT JOIN product_categories c ON p.ID = c.SubcategoryOf
WHERE p.SubcategoryOf = 0
<cfset subcategoryNames = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="getcategories" group="CategoryName">
<li class="catli">CategoryName : #CategoryName#</li>
<cfset arrayAppend(subcategoryNames, SubcategoryName)>
<p>ArrayAppend : #SubcategoryName#<br /></p>
<cfloop from="1" to="2" index="i">
<li class="subli">SubcategoryName : #SubcategoryName[i]#</li>
<cfif arrayLen(subcategoryNames) GT 2>
<p>ArrayLen is GT 2</p>
<li class="subli moreli">
+ #arrayLen(subcategoryNames) - 2# More Subcategories
<!--- Extra Subcategories --->
<p>Extra Subcategories</p>
<cfloop from="3" to="#arrayLen(subcategoryNames)#" index="r">
<li class="subli">SubcategoryName : #SubcategoryName[r]#</li>
<!--- End Extra Subcategories --->
You should just be able to switch these two lines:
<cfset subcategoryNames = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="getcategories" group="CategoryName">
To this:
<cfoutput query="getcategories" group="CategoryName">
<cfset subcategoryNames = ArrayNew(1)>
That will reset your array at the beginning of each new top-level category.
You could also leave them in their original order, and just do this:
<cfset subcategoryNames = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfoutput query="getcategories" group="CategoryName">
<cfset ArrayClear(subcategoryNames) />