replace spaces in string with comma
I need to take find all unique values from the below and pass them to a sql query. Below is an example of what I am trying to do, I am actually taking the data from a two files comapring them and getting the unique values.
My problem is that I want to put the values in a sql IN()
clause but I am having trouble comma separating the values
I have tried using replace but that does not seem to work for me
(def snapshot
#{{:id "1234" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"1235" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"10234" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"12034" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"127" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}}
(def snapshot1
#{{:id"1238" :mtm "104" :pv"200"}
{:id"234" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"124" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"123" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}
{:id"134" :mtm "101" :pv"200"}}
(def SNAPSHOT-IDsT (set (map :id snapshot)))
(def SNAPSHOT-IDsT1 (set (map :id snapshot1)))
(def id-in-one-file-only (difference SNAPSHOT-IDsT1 SNAPSHOT-IDsT))
(println id-in-one-file-only)
this gives me {1238 123 134 234 124}
How can I edit these results to give me {1238, 123, 134, 234, 124}
So that I can then pass it to a string
(str "Select * from table wh开发者_运维百科ere id in ("id-in-one-file-only")")
Any help or pointers with this would be much appreciated
returns a set, so I assume you have #{1238 123 134 234 124}
as a result. How about a format fn:
user=> (defn format-ids [s]
(str "{"
(reduce #(str %1 ", " %2) s)
user=> (format-ids #{1238 123 134 234 124})
"{134, 234, 1238, 123, 124}"
works nicely for this sort of thing:
user=> (apply str (interpose \, #{1238 123 134 234 124}))
Edit: amalloy is quite right, clojure.string/join
is a much more efficient implementation.
What I did above is what was in clojure.contrib v1.0 str-join (I suspect that my memory was playing tricks on me and that is where I saw interpose used in the first place).