
Add Deployable Dependencies - missing MVC checkbox

I am trying to use the new Add Deployable Dependencies feature of VS 2010 SP1 to help with deploying an MVC3 site to a shared hosting environment. Howev开发者_如何学Goer, when I select the option after right-clicking on the project, the resulting dialog box does not show the ASP.NET MVC checkbox. It only shows Asp.Net Web Pages with Razor Syntax and SQL Server Compact.

Add Deployable Dependencies - missing MVC checkbox

Another thing I noticed is the capitalization of Asp.Net does not match screenshots I've seen online. In the "About Microsoft Visual Studio" dialog box, my version is shown as 10.0.31118.1 SP1Rel.

I'm stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I re-installed VS 2010 SP1 (via the Web Platform Installer) and I now have the ASP.NET MVC checkbox and the capitalization seems correct. In the "About Microsoft Visual Studio" dialog box, my version now shows as 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel... I must've still had the beta. Thanks!

Was the project actually created as an Mvc project? If not you will have to add the Mvc project type GUID to the csproj file. Also make sure you actually have Mvc installed on your machine.





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