
Objective c. How to remove scroll bar from textarea?

I need a little help here. I made pretty simple app for my iPad with only one text area (by using Text Field object) on background image. I placed some poem in this t开发者_开发知识库ext field but this poem is more longer than iPas's screen so after running my app I was able to scroll down my poem. Now, I want to remove a little grey scroll bar that appears when I scrolling my poem. Where should I look for an answer? Thank you.

You're probably using a UITextView which extends UIScrollView, so you can use its showsVerticalScrollIndicator property:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    poemView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;

(assuming your text view is an instance variable/outlet of your view controller)

In main storyboard you can find attributes inspector,

there you can disable "Shows vertical indicator"

Objective c. How to remove scroll bar from textarea?

Remove Gray UITableView Index Bar

That "scroll bar" is your index bar.

Return nil from sectionIndexTitlesForTableView: and it'll go away.





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