
Vector of objects that contain references

I have the following struct:

struct Transaction {
    Transaction(Book& bb, Patron& pp, Date dd)
        : b(bb), p(pp), d(dd) { }
        Book& b;
        Patron& p
        Date d;

When I try to put an object of type Transaction into a vector&开发者_JAVA百科lt;Transaction>v_t with a push_back, it won't work. A screenful of errors breaks lose.

Is it because I have references as members of my object?

You'll need an assignment and copy operator for the type since it contains a reference. STL container objects must be copyable AND assignable (and this won't be possible with your reference unfortunately).

Check this thread:


It discusses the problem and some alternate solutions, though it basically says don't have a reference member in container type.

STL is value-based and doesn't play well with references. You can get into a horrible tangle trying to get around this rule.

Turn the b, p, d members into values or shared_ptrs.

STL doesn't work with references because you can't have assignment operator that will assign a reference(not copy).
You should use pointers instead like:

struct Transaction {
    Transaction(Book& bb, Patron& pp, Date dd)
        : b(&bb), p(&pp), d(dd) { }
        Book* b;
        Patron* p
        Date d;

Community wiki, because this almost certainly invokes UB.

If you have a copy constructor you can make an assignment operator using placement new:

struct Transaction {
  Transaction(Book& bb, Patron& pp, Date dd)
    : b(bb), p(pp), d(dd) { }

  Transaction(const Transaction & src)
    : b(src.b), p(src.p), d(src.d) { }

  Transaction & operator= (const Transaction & src) {
    if (this != &src) {
      Foo * copy = new (this) Transaction(src);
      return *copy;
    } else {
      return *this;

  Book& b;
  Patron& p
  Date d;


This might work with your computer, with your compiler, with a specific optimization setting. Then again, it might not. Or it might suddenly stop working when your operator system auto-updates the C++ ABI library. Or it might suddenly stop working when you deliver it to your customer who has a slightly different version of the C++ ABI library.

No matter how you cut it, changing a reference is undefined behavior.





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