
Unity Inject parameter in constructor of property being resolved

I can't find a way to inject parameters in this scenario:

class Top
    private ISome some;
    public Top()
        some = CreateSome(localRuntimeVariable);

    //I need to pass "some" instance as a InjectionParameter to Child constructor
    public Child Child {get;set;}
class Child
    //I need to inject ISome but it can only be constructed in Top
    public Child(ISome some, Foo foo)
public class Usage
    private v开发者_如何学Pythonoid Top GetTop(Foo foo)
        return unity.Resolve<Top>(new DependencyOverride<Foo>(foo));
        //I expect: Top.Constuctor called and 'some' is assigned;
        //          Top.Child property beeing resolved: Child.Constructor called
        //          'foo' instance to be taken from unity.Resolve<Top>(new DependencyOverride<Foo>(foo));
        //          'some' instance to be taken from Top.some, but how to tell unity to inject it?

class Top
    public Top( Foo foo, IUnityContainer container )
        some = CreateSome(localRuntimeVariable);
        Child = container.Resolve<Child>(new ParameterOverride("some" some),
            new ParameterOverride("Foo", foo));

    public Child Child {get;private set;}

class Child
    public Child(ISome some, Foo foo)

Now you can resolve an instance of top using unity.Resolve<Top>(new ParameterOverride("Foo", foo))

The class Usage isn't needed. GetTop(Foo foo) is just syntactic sugar for unity.Resolve<Top>(new DependencyOverride<Foo>(foo))





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