
"Run as" android application is missing

SDK and ADT are installed and working, but when I run some android code, the "Run As" panel is empty. I need to go to Run configuration, click on Android application, make a copy, p开发者_JAVA百科ut the name of my project on the copy and the run it. Then it run properly on the emulator. How can I add the "android application" item menu inside the run as menu?

You could Right Mouse Button Click(on activity class) > Run As > Run Configurations. Next is Right Mouse Button Click on Android Application > New. Now you should add your virtual emulator in Target. It works in my version of IDE.

Now you can use this run configurations with your own settings.

"Run as Android application" is available if u run the project (right click project name and u have that option) , and not a specific activity file ..

Just select Run > Run in eclipse and select android application.The Eclipse plugin automatically creates a new run configuration for your project and then launches the Android Emulator.

Maybe this is a bit late to be answering this, but I think my answer is better. The right click is all fine and well, but it is a bit more effort each time than my suggestion.

Right click on the toolbar and click "Customise Perspective..." On the toolbar structure that pops up find "Launch" (On mine it's the 5th item down - it might vary) Then you need to tick the "Run " box After you click "OK" it should be back in the toolbar and in the menu





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