What's the Difference in jQuery Selectors?
Here's a list of selectors I've seen before:
Could anyone clarify in what scenario(s) each would be used?
... select elements withclass='menu'
..... select<menu />
... select an element withid='menu'
1st finds <div class="menu"></div>
2nd finds <menu></menu>
3rd finds <div id="menu"></div>
Note that these rules applies and are based on CSS.
$('.menu'): all element with a class menu
$('menu'): all menu element
$('#menu'): the element with an id of menu
$('.menu') -> <div class="menu"></div> or any other tag with class menu
$('menu') -> <menu></menu>
$('#menu') -> <div id="menu"></div> or any other tag with id menu
Class Selector (“.class”)
Selects all elements with the given class.
Element Selector (“element”)
Selects all elements with the given tag name.
ID Selector (“#id”)
Selects a single element with the given id attribute.
The jQuery selector syntax is the same as that of css. So ".menu" will select everything with a class of menu, "#menu" will select the object with an id of menu (there should only be one! "menu" will try to select elements of type menu.
An example;
<div class="foo" id="d1">Div 1</div>
<div class="foo" id="d2">Div 2</div>
<span class="foo" id="s1">Span 1</span>
<span class="foo" id="s2">Span 2</span>
$(".foo").css("background", "red"); //sets the background of all 4 elements to red
$("div").css("background", "blue"); //sets the background of the two divs to blue
$("#s1").css("background", "green"); //sets the background of span 1 to green
Taken from http://forum.codecall.net/javascript-tutorials/14363-jquery-selectors.html
#id: -> This will match any element with the given ID.
element -> This will match any element supplied.
.class -> This will match any element with the given class.