
How could the jQuery UI takes so much memory when the event is happening?

When I use jQuery UIs I find that the events always take up a lot of memory. When I change one web browser tab, then the memory decreases.

For Example, a very simple example:

<script src="jQuery & UIs"></script>


Then I drag the item, the memory costs very mush. When I switch between pages then the memory decreases to the original level.

This of course could not be called the memory leak but it takes a lot of memory too.If customer does not change the browser tab the browser will also not be so fluent because of the high memory token.

Maybe this is caused by the jQuery UI structure or the efficiency is not so much high?

When I see o开发者_运维知识库ther javascript libs I find they will not take so much memory. So I wonder if there is any way to improve this or other ways to decrease the memory token?





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