
Difference between 2 selects in SQL

I have one data table:

ID |  user | Value
1  |  1    | 1
2  |  1    | 2
3  |  2    | 3
4  |  2    | 2
5  |  3    | 4
6  |  3    | 2

I would like to SELECT all rows where value is different comparing to user 1 so the result would be rows with IDs 3 (value is 3) and 5 (value is 2)

I would do something like this (will call it A)

开发者_开发知识库SELECT * FROM table WHERE user = 1

and get all the rows from user 1. Than I would select (will call it B)

SELECT * FROM table WHERE user != 1

and get all other rows. And than I would compare them WHERE A.value != B.value.

I'm stuck on how to merge everything together...

Please help!

Try this:

FROM table
WHERE value NOT IN ( SELECT value FROM table WHERE user = 1)

The relational operator is indeed 'difference', Oracle has the keyword MINUS, Standard SQL has the keyword EXCEPT e.g.

SELECT value 
  FROM table 
SELECT value 
  FROM table 
 WHERE user = 1;

Sadly, MySQL doesn't have any such an operator, you have to use other SQL constructs e.g. NOT IN <table expression>:

SELECT value 
  FROM table
 WHERE value NOT IN ( SELECT value
                        FROM table
                       WHERE user = 1 );

select * from table where value not in (select value from table where user = 1);





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